To the right is an image that basically depicts my life right now. I'm taking 5 classes to finish up my two-year degree, working at chick-fil-a (which rocks), keeping personal time with the Lord a top priority, and also trying to throw in a little fitness (in the form of weights, jogging, and biking).
I keep myself on a pretty tight schedule, but I've actually found this to be my most stress-free semester yet! Which seems
weird because my course load is the biggest its ever been, and I added a job on top of it! But it just goes to show that the joy of the Lord truly can be our strength if we choose it, and I believe that as I've gotten deeper in my relationship with God, He's matured me in so many ways, and given me more ability to cope with the demands of life. I still have my struggles - not denying that - but even amidst them I now have this peace that I really hadn't experienced before. It's wonderful!
Aside from school and work I DO still have a personal life too, believe it or not. I enjoy spending what free time I have with friends and family, even if it is brief. Our college bible study group is having a get-together this friday night to watch "How to Train Your Dragon," play games, and go to a christian concert in town, which I'm definitely looking forward to.

Also, I'm VERY excited to be going to see the "Beauty and the Beast" play at ASU with a friend on Sunday night.
It's been so long since I've seen a live production, and Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite stories! I'll be sure to report my thoughts on it after we go.
Something else I'm excited about is the prospect of transferring to Calvary Chapel Bible college next year (fall) to get my bachelors in
Biblical Studies.
I still haven't applied yet, but the more I look into it and pray about it, the more it seems like this may be where the Lord wants me next year. I'll be honest, I don't really want to leave home...but I can also see how it would be a good experience and maybe just what I need to do. Not to mention there are TWO chick-fil-a's within 10 minutes of the college campus. Coincidence? I think not.

Outside Temp: 65°F
Countdown to end of semester: 52 days!
Verse of the Day:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
I still haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon . . . :( Ooohh, Beauty and the Beast! Definitely want to hear about that!!
ReplyDeleteYou need to see How to Train your Dragon - it's really cute!
ReplyDeleteThat's what everyone keeps telling me, and the dragon looks adorable!! I should have gone two weeks ago when they were showing it at the college. Oh; that's right - I had a test to study for that night . . . *grumble, grumble*
ReplyDeleteThe dragon IS adorable, and you should definitely rent it or something. It's a fun movie, it's appropriate, and the story itself is pretty good too. :o)
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Gerard Butler do the voice of one of the Vikings? Not that I'm a Gerard Butler fan, but I do find his accent amusing.
ReplyDeleteHaha, yes he does. He plays the chief viking - it's pretty hilarious.