What to write? It's been about a week since my last post, and life has been a little bit busier than usual:
Wednesday (21st) I went to my Public Speaking class, where I selected a topic for my upcoming persuasive speech. I've chosen to do my speech on blood donation, in hopes of convincing the class that they should all go donate their blood, and continue to do as often as they can. I still have a fair amount to still complete, but the speech is coming along...I just can't wait to give it and be done with it.
After class, I was glad to be able to spend the rest of the day with a good friend that I rarely get to see. We shopped at a few different stores, tried out the Chipotle that just came to our town (it was pretty good!), and went to see a movie. The time together was great, and I hope we can do it again sometime!
Thursday (22nd) I went to the dentist in the morning to get my temporary crown re-cemented (it came lose during class on Wednesday. Yes, I was chewing gum...). After that I did a housecleaning job for two hours, and then waited around until it was time to go to my Dr. Appointment. I've been having some kind of weird breakout/rash that looks like bugbites since the end of February...and since it hasn't gone away I figured I should see a doctor, and hopefully get some help. He prescribed me some permethrin cream, and said that if it didn't help by May 3rd (my next appt. to see him), he would send me to a dermatologist. I'm praying that whatever this is will clear up before Africa!
Friday (23rd) I slept in until 10:00 because my mom said I needed more rest to help heal the bumps. I didn't do much of anything all day until my Spanish class at 4:30...which lasts until 7:00. It went well, and then I headed off to the church to help prepare for a rummage sale that a friend and her mom organized to help raise money for my trip and my friend's trip (she's going to India at the same time I'm going to Africa). We had a lot of fun sorting through the different donations and trying to create some kind of order in how everything would be put out the following morning. We stayed up till about 1:30.
Saturday (24th) After a refreshing 4 hrs? of sleep on the hard carpet floor of a sunday school room, we had a quick breakfast and started moving stuff outside to the front of the church. I couldn't believe how much stuff people had donated, and hoped we would be able to sell most of it. My sister and I were able to stay and help until about 11:00, but then went home because, also going on Saturday, was the cast party celebrating the conclusion of our Spring Play this season, "The Princess and the Pea." It was a blast but by the end of the day, I was ready to sleep! Before bed I put on the permethrin cream (which smells like pesticides), and was thankful for the rest!
Sunday (25th) Never been happier to take a shower - I couldn't wait to wash off the smell of the cream! Not sure if it helped yet or not, but I hope so. Church was nice, and I found out that we took in a little over $600.00 to split between the two of us from the rummage sale! What a blessing! God has been just pouring in money. I've brought in almost $1500.00 toward my trip in just this last week! What a confirmation, and how good it is to know that God provides! He is so good, and I give all the credit to him!
Monday (26th) This morning I was rushing to finish up my full-outline of my speech so that it'd be ready for class at 1:30. However, when I got to class, our teacher wasn't there...class had been canceled. So....now I have till Wednesday to make it even better! Only two weeks left of the semester - I'm so excited that it's almost over! Tonight I had Fire Explorer Drill at our station #3. The Fire Marshall came and gave a presentation on fire prevention/suppression/alarms/investigation/public education. It was a lot all bundled into one, but very interesting and I'm glad for the opportunity to learn! It was so interesting, in fact, that I think I'd like, if I had the opportunity, to take the Fire Investigation course at our college sometime. Not sure when, but maybe sometime next year if they're offering it again!
And that was pretty much the last 6 days of my life. Probably not the most exciting on the grand scale of things, but it kept me busy and I'm enjoying my life.
Countdown to Africa: 47 days.
Outside Temp: 70°F
Verse of the day: